Here are some sites to encourage, prompt, and inspire you!
Writer's Desktop Wallpaper Collection - Maybe you'll find some encouragement with these free wallpapers. Or try creating your own. Take a favorite image and add the words that inspire you. Any painting program will work! Don't have a paint program? Try :)
Seventh Sanctum - Do you write fantasy or sci-fi? This site is full of generators! Struggling with names, weapons, need a story starter? It is all there! Just keep in mind - you need to leave the site to start writing. :) Don't stay all day!
Creativity Portal - Though this link takes you to the prompt page there are also many inspirational articles to browse through as well. Take a look around!
Christian Writers - And lastly for today, if you are a Christian writer I would highly recommend this site. The writing world can be a rough one, but it is much easier when you are surrounded with people who will be honest and encouraging. Have a question, need a critique? Prayer for family or friends? You'll find that and much more at Christian Writers!
If there are any specific sites you have found to be of help, please, let me know! I would like to do a posting every now and then with links to good writing resources. Your help in that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)
God's Blessings,

Cool post, Sarah. I'm going to check these out right now!
Thanks, Tracy! :) I hope you found them useful!
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