Well, the next step in accepting this award is to pass it on to seven other bloggers and list seven random facts about myself. So lets start with the latter since it will be the most difficult for me. :)
1. I love fog. No matter which season brings it, fog is magical.
2. My hair is actually curly, though few have been unfortunate enough to see it. :)
3. I was married at the very young age of 19.
4. I don't like to cook... at all. But I still do. I consider it a labor of love. :)
5. I think the best Robin Hood movie ever made was the 1938 version with Errol Flynn.
6. I've always had a love for history and carry a secret desire to become an archeologist. There, I spilled it!
7. Lastly, I am a morning person and am up between 3:00-5:00am each morning. I've been called crazy for it, but I love the peace...
So there you have it. :)
Now the following list are some of my favorite blogs. I am sure you will like them as well! Stop by and congratulate them! These are in no particular order.
1. A Few More Pages - Katy is a college teacher, mother of two young children, excessive reader, and manages to keep up a great blog in the midst of all her busyness. She also has a nice, simple, yet pleasing to the eye, style to her blog. Go check her out! She writes some great book reviews!
2. Our Journey to Ella - This is a blog by Greg and Karmen Bernacchi. They are both in ministry performing skits and singing to help reach people for Christ. They are currently in the process of adopting from China. It has been a long process, so in the meantime they have kept up a blog. They are both people of incredible sense of humor and they write amazing posts, not to mention have a very neat looking blog!
3. browneyedbaker - So, as I said above, I don't like to cook. But, I do like to bake! And this blog is teeming with delicious recipes! A nice looking blog, though I have to admit, the photos of all the goodies sure do help!
4. Choosing Joy - A truly beautiful blog by an Air Force Chaplain's wife and mother of nine children. Their family is currently stationed in Misawa, Japan. It has been a blessing to read their blog! A family who passionately and actively loves the Lord!
5. Sharlene MacLaren -I love this blog! Sharlene MacLaren is an author of Christian Romance. I picked up a book of hers one day at our local Wal-Mart, well, because it had my name on it, literally. :) Since then I have read, and now own, every one of her books. Her posts are inspirational and fun and her blog has a very welcoming appearance.
6. Write Expressions - Here is a great blog, by Holly Browne, for all you moms. A cute blog and a very talented writer! I enjoy reading her posts. Her last one regarding dressing like a mom had me busting out laughing over the imagery she created.
7. Delightful Dots - Since we are on the subject of style... this is a blog right here on blogspot whose owner creates amazing blog backgrounds. If you are looking to add style to your own blog, go spend a few moments looking through her creations!
So there they are! Don't forget to stop and visit each one! I am sure you will enjoy them just as much as I have!
God's Blessings,

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